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Proje takımı (Fotoğraf) |
TU Braunschweig
(Prof. M. Bahadir,
Prof. H. Hopf, A. Nijakowski, Dr. R. Vogt) Universität Bremen (Prof. B. Jastorff, Dr. R. Störmann, Dr. J. Ranke, C. Doose) Universität Jena (Prof. B. Ondruschka, Prof. G. Kreisel, Dr. M. Nüchter, Dr. A. Diehlmann) TU München (Prof. D. Lenoir, Prof. H. Parlar, Dr. C. Wattenbach) Universität Oldenburg (Prof. J. Metzger, Dr. U. Biermann, Dr. M. Eissen, C. Ohmstede, J. Reimer) Universität Regensburg (Prof. B. Koenig, Dr. Ch. Braig, Dr. B. Krelle) |
Proje koordinatörü |
Prof. B. Koenig e-mail: burkhard.koenig@chemie.uni-regensburg.de |
Website geliştirme |
Dr. Johannes Ranke, UFT Bremen (2001 - 2008) jranke@uni-bremen.de Dr. Reinhold Störmann, UFT Bremen (2001 - 2008) stoertebecker@uni-bremen.de Dr. Achim Diehlmann, Uni Jena (2001, 2002) achim.diehlmann@uni-jena.de |
Çeviriler | Arabic Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mufeed Batarseh Batarseh@mutah.edu.jo Mutah University Prince Faisal Center for Dead Sea, Environmental and Energy Research 61710 Karak, Jordan Prof Dr. Ali Mahasneh Chemistry Department, Mutah University 61710 Karak, Jordan Dr. Mohammad Al Anber Chemistry Department, Mutah University 61710 Karak, Jordan Georgian Dr. Khatuna Kakhiani Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Greek Assoc. Prof. Nikolaos G. Argyropoulos narg@chem.auth.gr Assoc. Prof. Evdoxia Coutouli Argyropoulou Dipl. Chemical Engineer Georgios N. Argyropoulos Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Department of Chemistry, Laboratory of Organic Chemistry 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece Indonesian Prof. Sri Juari Santosa sjuari@yahoo.com Gadjah Mada University Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Yogyakarta, Indonesia İtalyanca Prof. Pietro Tundo Dr. F. Zecchini Prof. S. Auricchio Prof. A. Albini Dr. Davide Ravelli Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale "La Chimica per l'Ambiente" (INCA) Venice, Italy Portugese Berta Maria Heinzmann Érico Marlon de Moraes Flores Lenise de Lima Silva Luiz Everson da Silva Márcia Foster Mesko Mauri Sérgio Alves Palma Paola de Azevedo Mello Solange Kazumi Sakata berta.heinzmann@gmail.com UFSM / CCS / DFI Prédio 26, Campus Universitário CEP 97105-900, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil Russian Dr. Ekaterina S. Lokteva Dr. Andrey Kharlanov les@kge.msu.ru Moskow State University Laboratory of Catalysis and Gas Electrochemistry Moskow, Russia Spanish Maria Josefa Rodríguez Yunta mjryun@quim.ucm.es Dpto. de Química Orgánica I Facultad de Ciencias Químicas Universidad Complutense de Madrid 28040 Madrid, España Turkish Prof. Dr. Ayhan S. Demir asdemir@metu.edu.tr Middle East Technical University Department of Chemistry Ankara, Turkey Additional experiments Assoc. Prof. Michael Oelgemoeller michael.oelgemoeller@jcu.edu.au James Cook University School of Pharmacy and Molecular Sciences Townsville, Queensland 4811, Australia |